How to Locate a New Business Prior to Its Opening

Truforte Business Group - Brokers Blog

People are curious about the new company’s ownership long in advance of the opening for a variety of reasons. Here we break down how to locate a new business prior to opening.

Look at the local news stories

If you’re talking about mid-sized cities and particularly smaller towns, or if the company owner is buddies with someone in the media source, this is sometimes deemed noteworthy when a new business comes to town (or a potential advertiser). As a result, if you’re looking for work, always be sure to read your local daily, watch the evening 10:00 news, and check the local Internet news sources. Your first area of focus needs to be there.

Find more about building permits

Find the local “Department of Buildings” for your city or county to discover what kinds of building permits have recently been given there if you really want to get a head start. It is common for a new firm to begin by either building a new facility or remodeling an existing one, so this is a great approach to determine the kind of business growth that is coming to your community.

Records of business licenses

Searching for company licensing records or specialty construction contractor licenses using the techniques I outlined in my blog post from last November, when this site was only a small little blog, is another approach to gather information prior to a new business opening.

You may find out which companies have recently applied for commercial licenses by utilizing the tax assessor’s office or an online company records search (on the assessor’s website). This article, titled “How to Investigate a Small Business,” which connects to a number of other useful business records articles, may provide you with further intriguing methods to study local businesses and organizations.

Registering as

Finally, go through your local newspaper’s or an online newsletter site’s advertising section. In many cases, a new company will have an advertisement under the “doing business as” area, so look for public announcements and other regional advertisements.

How to Locate a New Company Before It Opens So that’s how you discover a new firm before it starts doing business. After giving it some thought, I can see how this might assist a job seeker in finding a new career before the onslaught of applicants, but I can also see how other local business owners might need to know this information, too, depending on whether the new business moving to town is a potential competitor to the goods or services you provide or a potential customer for those same goods and services.

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