Tree Service for Sale in Saint Petersburg

Tree Service for Sale in Saint Petersburg

Listing #95151052 Asking: $180,000 Owner Benefit: $98,945
Visa Opportunity This listing has been SOLD or is NO LONGER AVAILABLE

Amazingly profitable, essential tree service business in Pinellas County! Started in mid-2018 an already achieved $437,000 in gross sales for the year 2019! Excellent on-line presence with Top Google rating and 5 Stars review in Home Advisor, Facebook and Thumbtack. A lot of regular, repeat business. Seller will assist with transition and will be available to consult as needed. Extensive asset list of trucks, chippers and equipment with a market value in excess of $50,000. Lots of further growth potential. Huge opportunity to buy this incredibly successful company in its early stage of growth!

For additional opportunities visit St. Pete Businesses for Sale.