Tree Service Company for Sale in Florida

Tree Service Company for Sale in Florida

Listing #95103463 Asking: $500,000 Owner Benefit: $55,588
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Very profitable and established tree service company based in Fort Myers. Buy the business and a 5 Acres PRIME REAL ESTATE off Alico Rd, where equipment is parked overnight. Lot is available for sale for $350K. Real estate has a 60x80 open air barn. Business can be sold separately or together with real estate. Owner pays himself $3K/month to rent the lot. Twelve years under current ownership. Four full-time W-2 employees. This business can run semi-absentee as a long-term employee could run the business if the new owner choses to do so. Company is licensed in Lee and Collier counties and services lots of HOAs and recurring customers. Fixed assets estimated at $279K (today’s market value), including trucks, lifts, tractor, trailers, stump grinders and so on. Detailed list of assets is available. This is a totally turn-key business!