Italian Bistro for Sale in Englewood

Italian Bistro for Sale in Englewood

Listing #95130082 Asking: $115,000 Owner Benefit: $54,800
Visa Opportunity This listing has been SOLD or is NO LONGER AVAILABLE

Open only 3 years, very strong sales. Clean well-appointed restaurant with 60 seats inside, 12 outside. Beer & wine license. Extend the hours for added sale $$$$. Fantastic seasonal and non-seasonal clientele. Presently reservations required due to volume. Perfect for 2 owner operation. Equipment well cared for, and new water heater installed. Located near large marinas and condo’s, catering services also available. Decrease in sales for 2021 due to open 5 days a week instead of 6 for 2019, 2018.

For additional restaurant opportunities visit Florida Restaurants for Sale.