Home Services for Sale in Florida

Home Services for Sale in Florida

Listing #95180003 Asking: $175,000 Owner Benefit: $42,655
Visa Opportunity This listing has been SOLD or is NO LONGER AVAILABLE

This successful business builder has effectively created and positioned his top ranked preferred home inspection business in one of Florida's largest prestigious developments.... The villages and surrounding counties including Citrus, Hernando, Sumter, Marion, and Lake counties. Enjoy the benefits of this turnkey operation which includes furnished office, office administrator, 2 inspectors, company vehicle, website, 8 years of established reputable business and owner training and support. This company's signature service platform is built on getting results fast with a professional, reliable, licensed two-man inspection team and boasts unlimited potential to expand in these exploding real estate counties. The Villages is ONE OF the largest growing retirement communities in the world WITH OVER 70,000 HOMES IN PLACE AND MORE ON THE DRAWING BOARD. It spans 3 FLORIDA counties INCLUDING Marion, Sumter, and Lake Counties. THIS COMPANY IS ON THE Preferred Vendors List for The Villages and is one of the top performers of Home Inspectors on that list. There are over 300 REALTORS selling houses for the Villages properties ALONE. SERVICES INCLUDE Home Inspections, 4pt inspections, wind Mitigations, WDOs (termite inspections), Roof Inspections, Mold Assessments.