Florist Flower Shop for Sale in Florida

Florist Flower Shop for Sale in Florida

Listing #95103460 Asking: $110,000 Owner Benefit: $81,474
Visa Opportunity This listing has been SOLD or is NO LONGER AVAILABLE

13 YEARS IN BUSINESS and growing fast! Great cash flow business. Top rated Florist in Fort Myers on Google with over 100 reviews and shows up first on all searches. Sales come organically as a known and recognized local brand by way of walk-ins, small to medium scale events, weddings, contracts with nearby businesses and wire services as well as fully search optimized website. Long term and well-established relationship with supplier and vendor networks. Over 10K customers in database. Rent is only $1,166/month and includes water which is a big asset for a flower shop. This is a total turnkey business. Current inventory and equipment valued at approximately $100K, including large walk-in cooler, front display fridge, complete and fully furnished office with computers, printers, helium tanks, all sorts of consumables (cards, ribbon, vases, Christmas and major holiday merchandise, tools, etc.) Coverage area under a non-compete is SWFL. The company just secured a liquor license (Champaign and roses!). The owner will provide training to ensure a smooth transition.