Dental Lab for Sale in Lee County

Dental Lab for Sale in Lee County

Listing #95151045 Asking: $99,500 Owner Benefit: $28,939
This listing has been SOLD or is NO LONGER AVAILABLE

Amazing opportunity to own a high-volume dental laboratory in Lee County! Dedicated clientele and high ratings. Amazon store sales. The life expectancy of the product is about 2 years, which generates steady and recurring clients. The company manufactures custom Pro-Form dental, day & night guards, athletic guards, mouth guard style retainers, teeth whitening trays, orthodontic cases and dental putty material. The Pro-form brand has long been considered the leader in custom mouth guards. They provide the highest level of protection, retention, comfort and fit without hindering speech, breathing and most of all athletic performance. All manufacturing is done by an outside contractor with molds and manufacturing equipment owned by the seller. The manufacturing can be easily brought back for additional profits. This lab has a strong reputation and profit margins. It is a true turnkey opportunity for an investor or a technician looking for a dental lab with huge opportunity for growth.