Convenience Store for Sale in Manatee County

Convenience Store for Sale in Manatee County

Listing #95122059 Asking: $59,900 Owner Benefit: $30,443
This listing has been SOLD or is NO LONGER AVAILABLE

Interested in selling everyday household items, with a niche of selling holistic pet food and products? This family owned/operated market is located at a corner of a highly trafficked road, minutes from Ana Maria Island in beautiful West Bradenton. Beer, wine, and lotto are a neighborhood favorite here! Fresh curb appeal with a beautiful mural for added attention. Even has a picnic table for the local regulars to enjoy Nathan’s hotdogs and Hershey Ice creams.
Best suggestions to increase sales:
1) expand the hot food options
2) add vendors to parking lot (we’ve had success renting space to food trucks, T-shirt and plant sales vendors)
3) open Sundays
Current hours of operation are Monday through Saturday, 7:00 AM to 9:00 PM, closed Sundays