Chiropractic Practice for Sale in Bradenton

Chiropractic Practice for Sale in Bradenton

Listing #95108318 Asking: $69,750 Owner Benefit: $71,309
Visa Opportunity This listing has been SOLD or is NO LONGER AVAILABLE

A successful Geriatric Chiropractic Practice for sale on the Suncoast, the Practice has been in business for twenty plus years, the current owner has owned for over six years and wishes to retire at this juncture in his life. His practice is mostly Geriatric Care, and mostly servicing his neighborhood whereas the practice is located, his slogan is a terrific synopsis of his Practice. “To the best of my ability, I agree to provide my patients with convenient, affordable, and mainstream Chiropractic care. I will not use unnecessary long-term treatment plans and/or therapies.” The landlord is amenable to sign a new lease and easy to work with, the Practice has three treatment rooms, two bathrooms and a breakroom, with a lobby and reception area. The Practice can easily grow with one, two or three Doctors and then expanding into treatment for auto accidents, motorcycle accidents, truck accidents, and slip and fall accidents, and adding physical therapy also adding electronic billing (current owner does not have electronic billing set up). Call or email today as the owner is ready to retire posthaste.