Adult Arcade for Sale in Lee County

Adult Arcade for Sale in Lee County

Listing #95110064 Asking: $395,000 Owner Benefit: $495,407
Visa Opportunity This listing has been SOLD or is NO LONGER AVAILABLE

Excellent location in a large neighborhood Casino like adult arcade, very low overhead and rent, the games are on consignment at a 75%/25% split with the vendor who take care of all repairs and maintenance of the games, present owner just connected in June 2022 all the games to a software that will give the vendor a daily report for the cash in and out on each machine plus it will keep track of which game is popular with the customers, just extended the business hours until 1:AM for the season, they offer free to customers snacks, candies and soft drinks, absentee owner, Manager in place and fully staffed, Financials below are annualized based on EIGHT months during off season ending January 31, 2023, closed one week in Sept due to the major hurricane Ian and to add new system. All confidential information will be released to buyers who provide a solid proof of funds available only, this is a rare opportunity that is generating great return on investment at a discounted price. CASH BUSINESS $$$$$$$. Please note that this is an all cash gambling business, for that reason it will not qualify for any kind pof loan.